Writer / Producer / Voice Talent / Artist / Music / Film / Video / Graphic Arts
LEGAL NOTICE: These pages contain original music files and lyrics that are the legally protected intellectual property of the composer, Stevan Pippin, and the respective publishers. Unauthorized downloading, duplication or distribution of all or part of these files, lyrics, or materials is a criminal violation of United States Copyright Law, and violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Better Love Next Time
Dr. hook (Artist Cut)
This Time I'm In It For Love
Player (Artist Cut)
Ding Dong Daddy
Swing/Jive/Scat (Stevan Pippin)
Love Is Everything
Pop/Rock (Stevan Pippin) Co-written w/Peter Frampton
Montego Baby
Beach/Love (Stevan Pippin)
I'm With You
Writer's Demo (Stevan Pippin)- Co-written w/Peter Frampton
LEGAL NOTICE: These pages contain original music files and lyrics that are the legally protected intellectual property of the composer, Stevan Pippin, and the respective publishers. Unauthorized downloading, duplication or distribution of all or part of these files, lyrics, or materials is a criminal violation of United States Copyright Law, and violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.