Writer / Producer / Voice Talent / Artist / Music / Film / Video / Graphic Arts
Music Production
Stevan Pippin, (Steve, or "Pip" to friends), an award-winning veteran of Nashville's premier songwriting community, has taken what he calls a step forward...not a giant step; simply the next logical step. Many songwriters merely dream of becoming great producers, but Steve has recently directed his talents and energies toward that end, after years of having the privilege of working with great studio masters like Chips Moman, Larry Butler, Billy Sherrill, Johnny Slate, Larry Henley, Bob Montgomery, Doug Johnson, and so many more. Steve has written songs for, or worked on the recording projects of many of Nashville's music legends as a musician or singer. (See: "Professional Credits"
Over the years, Steve has honed his studio skills by producing his own publishing demos, (which number in the hundreds) while under contract to Warner Brothers, House Of Gold Music, Sony Tree/ATV and EMI Music. He has also produced numerous specialty projects and countless radio and television commercials as owner/executive producer of an independent production company. For Steve, chances for major label and artist production have always been present, but he has intentionally steered away from those opportunities until recently. What prompts his entrance onto the production scene now? In his words:
" I've always had a specific vision of where I wanted to be in terms of my professional growth when I made the decision to go into full time production. I wanted to make sure that before I presumed to direct singers , musicians and audio engineers in a high level recording environment, that I had walked through every step of what they experience during the process. I firmly believe that a great producer needs a depth of understanding of each of the recording elements in order to make the connections necessary to get the absolute best product. In a nutshell, I'm there now. I've done it all; I've been the writer, the artist, the background singer, the session musician, the audio engineer, and the producer; and driving it all is my all-consuming passion, the music. I love making great music."
* TESTIMONIALS: What some key people have to say:
“Stevan has what other people wish they had: that rare and valuable combination of business acumen and artistry, all conducted with impeccable ethics. On every project I have had the pleasure of working with him, and on every level, he delivers beyond expectation. I know I’m writing in broad strokes here but to get into specifics about Stevan’s talents and capabilities would require a tome. If you’re considering working with Mr. Pippin, just go ahead and reward yourself by actually doing it.”
-David Boyer, Audio Engineer- (Worked with Stevan on projects at Mainstar Entertainment and Lonestar Animation)
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"Stevan is creative, reliable and fun to work with. In fact, it's NOT WORK when you hire Steve! He really makes it fun. He has the uncanny ability to understand the scope of the project and give you just what you need. Top qualities: great results, personable, high integrity, and he works well with a budget, too. Overall, it's just a pleasure to do business with him!”
-Michele Stephens, Senior Producer, Great American Video
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Stevan has great studio skills. Because he's a great singer, player and writer, the musicians and singers really relate to him. He makes the session fun, while at the same time getting the best out of everyone. A total pro start to finish."
-Michael Spriggs, Composer/Studio Musician (LeeAnn Rimes / Trace Adkins / Faith Hill )
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"I've always believed in Steve's abilities. He is right at home on the playing field with the
'Big Leaguers. He brings big talent to the game, making him a very important asset to the industry."
- Larry Henley, Producer / Artist / Writer ("Wind Beneath My Wings)
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"Steve is extremely knowledgeable and passionate about his music, and it shows in his work"
-Kent Earls, Professional Song Manager, MCA Music Publishing
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"Pip is one of those rare talents than can write or produce stone country or bluegrass thing one minute, then effortlessly change gears into pop, rock, alt or R&B. He just knows music."
-Stacey Slate Easterling / Former Professional Manager, API Image Management
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“Stevan is one if the finest creative minds around. We have worked together on many projects
over the years. When it comes to getting the job done, Stevan is second to none!”
-Cece DuBois, Owner, DuBois Design Group
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"Move over, Mutt Lange...."
-Howard Toole / Audio Engineer
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"Steve has vision, creative depth, and incredible musical instincts. I love working with him "
-Joe Romeo / CEO Faith Based Marketing
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"Steve is SO handsome and talented...."
-Steve's wife, Leslie.
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A Press/ Public Relations Communique
of The Windhaven Group
P.O. Box 1768
Brentwood, Tennessee 37024-1768
Other Information:
Music Publishing / Worldwide:
House Of Pip Music, Inc / BMI
PO Box 1768
Brentwood, TN 37024-1768
Talent Representation:
The Windhaven Group
P.O. Box 1768
Brentwood, Tennessee 37024-1768
Message me through the "Contact" page
Legal Representation:
Richard L. Colbert, Esq. (Sr. Partner)
Kay, Griffin, Enkema, & Colbert, PLLC
108 4th Av S, Suite 209
Franklin, TN 37064
(615) 790-6610